Learning, Play, and Faith
The curriculum is based on a philosophy of learning by doing—moving from the concrete to the abstract. Social and learning experiences foster creativity, exploration, self-discipline, self-esteem, concern for others, and a love of learning. The instructional program is developmentally appropriate and focuses on the whole child—his/her physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual development.
Play is the core of learning at the Day School. Young children make discoveries, master skills, solve problems, and learn to get along with others through play. The lesson plans at all levels involve the use of blocks, art materials, dramatic play centers, sand, water, dough, table toys, music, and literature. The program respects the uniqueness of each child and offers experiences that meet the needs of each child.
Faith is an integral part of the daily curriculum. All children and staff members attend a weekly chapel service led by members of the Church/Day School staff. Children learn about God and Jesus through stories, songs, prayers, role playing, and adult modeling. The clergy of The Church of the Good Samaritan offer their support to the school families of all faiths.
Special Activities
Library. The philosophy and educational goal of Library is to create a "love" of books. Through the presentation of fun and educational stories, students develop both an appreciation for literature as well as beginning reading skills. An early love for books has been found to foster a desire to read continuing the cycle of learning for life. The stories that are read during Library time are theme specific and chosen to coordinate with grade-level lesson plans.
Music. Music education is fun! Our music teacher provides an enriching music program for each child. Using a variety of activities that engage their bodies and minds, children are introduced to the concepts of beat, rhythm, pitch, and tempo at an appropriate level for their age. Different instruments and sounds are introduced to enhance the musical experience. Music class is also the place where we prepare a variety of programs presented throughout the year. At the annual Christmas Chapel, Three-Year-Old and older classes perform a song they have learned for this special event. The Pre-K and Transitional classes work on a program typically performed in late spring.
Gym. Gym is a program of perceptual motor activity where children are encouraged to discover the ways their bodies can move. It is broken into three parts:
- Body Image and Awareness. Children are taught to distinguish left from right, name body parts, become aware of the two sides of their body, and realize how their body can bend and move.
- Balance and Equilibrium. Children are taught about space and direction through crawling, jumping, balancing, rolling, climbing, and using cross-over mats.
- Eye, Hand, and Foot Coordination. Children are taught coordination by using ball activities, skipping, hopping, walking heel-toes, and throwing.
Every child attends gym class once per week. The five-day children attend twice a week. Following directions and "fair play" is encouraged. Having fun in a controlled setting is always a priority. We have indoor and outdoor gym facilities—sneakers are a must.