Insight Women’s Ministry at Good Sam seeks to strengthen the women of the parish—in mind, body, and spirit—that we may grow in the knowledge and likeness of our Lord Jesus and may experience deeper unity as the body of Christ. Our Insight Bible Study meets during the academic year and offers our women an opportunity to take a deeper dive into Scripture and prayer together. We also offer retreat days and weekends, breakfast gatherings, and opportunities to grow in spiritual formation. We welcome all women of Good Sam to gather together and offer their unique gifts to the good of the body.
Email: Pam Bennett and Bonnie O’Neil, womensministry@good-samaritan.org
The men’s ministry at Good Sam strives to support the men of the church in their ongoing walk with Christ by providing opportunities to grow in faith, serve others, and deepen their relationship with Jesus and with one another. Through breakfast and dinner series, retreats, Bible studies, and service opportunities, this ministry provides an opportunity for men to get to know each other on a deeper level than just Sunday mornings.
Email: George Scheffey and Jim McGuire, mensministry@good-samaritan.org
Small Groups
Small groups offer places for people to gather on a regular basis for prayer, study, discussion, and build community together. Over time, involvement in small groups helps to develop spiritually meaningful friendships with others who are there for you when you need them, remind you of what is true, and help you grow into the kind of person you want to be.
Email: Josh Guenther, josh@good-samaritan.org
College & Young Adult
The college ministry at Good Sam partners with CCO, a campus ministry organization. Together we believe that this generation needs the gospel, the local church, and a vision for serving Christ in the world. Good Sam has a long history of ministering to college students through all seasons, and we seek to invite them into the larger fellowship of our church.
Email: Dan Garrison Edwards, dan.edwards@good-samaritan.org
Alpha: A Conversation About Faith
Alpha is an open and informal conversation about life, spirituality, and the person of Jesus without judgment or pressure. We want to hear your thoughts and questions as we explore these themes together without the pressured atmosphere that usually comes with these conversations. Alpha is a series of sessions exploring faith over eleven weeks in a safe and caring environment. Each talk looks at a different question and is designed to create conversation. Everyone is welcome for dinner and discussion.
Email: Robin and Rusty Smith, alpha@good-samaritan.org