InSight Women's Ministry: Come Together Breakfast

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9 – 11:30 amThe Church of the Good Samaritan / Ashton Hall

Come Together Breakfast

Under the leadership of Pam Bennett and Bonnie O’Neil, a team of enthusiastic women has been assembled to relaunch the InSight Women’s Ministry at Good Samaritan with a full roster of activities this fall.

The kick-off event, Come Together, is a breakfast on Saturday, September 21, for all women of the parish to gather, hear an inspiring word from our speaker, The Rev’d Marcia Wilkinson, make new friends, and re-connect with longtime friends. Learn about the upcoming fellowship opportunities for the year and enjoy joining together in worship, prayer, lots of coffee, and even some guided flower arranging!

RSVP using the link below by September 15.

For anyone needing assistance with their RSVP, please reach out to Neeka Guenther at