Men’s Retreat Fall 2024: Life is a Breath
With Speaker Fred Putnam
I look forward to being with you for the Men’s Retreat in October. Fall is my favorite season, and a good season to ponder our ephemerality, as Paul Simon wrote in Leaves that are Green: “And the leaves that are green turn to brown / And they wither in the wind / And they crumble in your hand.” These lyrics could serve as the recurrent theme of the book of Ecclesiastes, which says nothing about “meaninglessness,” “vanity,” “futility,” or the like, but rather asks us to live facing our mortality; as Qohelet (The Teacher) says, “Breath of breaths—everything is a breath” (Ec 1. 2). And we all know that if we’re breathing, we’re alive. We’ll spend time considering several of Qohelet’s sayings, as well as doing all those other things that make retreats worthwhile. See you there! —Fred Putnam
Join us on this retreat weekend designed for men who are desiring to grow as image-bearers of Christ—deepening relationship with God and with others. Embrace the opportunity to forge meaningful connections with like-minded men who are also on a journey of spiritual growth.
Location: Daylesford Abbey Spirituality Center, 220 South Valley Road, Paoli, PA 19301
Weekend Program: The weekend will begin Friday evening with Evening Prayer and a brief introductory session with Fred Putnam. On Saturday we’ll have four teaching sessions (two morning, one afternoon, and one evening) and will close by a sharing of the Eucharist. There will be no formal retreat programming on Sunday morning, but overnight participants have the option to stay over at Daylesford Abbey for Saturday night.
Overnight two nights / four meals: $275
Includes single room (with hall bathroom) for both Friday and Saturday nights, and four meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday; breakfast on Sunday).
Overnight one night / three meals: $200
Includes single room (with hall bathroom) for Friday night, and three meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday).
Commuter / three meals: $100
Includes Saturday meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner).
Scholarships are available. Contact Fr Ellsworth at
Questions? Contact George Scheffey at 610.745.2856 or email