
David & God / Week 2

As a child, much of what little I knew of the Old Testament I knew through the medium of, of all things, Hollywood, and the movies. Movie moguls are attracted to King David: he was the most charismatic as well as the mightiest of all the kings of Israel. The movies showed us how, as a boy, David took a stone to his sling and took down a Philistine champion. The interpretation of the Bible is controversy du jour in the naked public square. People grope for a verse or two with little regard for its context or even its explicit meaning. Today, we’ll do a close reading of the David and Goliath story, looking at Goliath’s size (“six cubits and a span”), David’s age (“you’re only a boy…”), and how David took Goliath down (“the stone struck the Philistine on his forehead”). We’ll see that even this very familiar Bible passage is one we only thought we knew.

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